13 May 2022

 Good morning! How are we faithing? You're wondering if someone loves you and wondering if you love also. Sometimes it gets confusing. Sometimes you just aren't sure of where you are in this thing called love. Don't confuse physical passion for love in it's entirety. Being in love and loving are distinct forms of love. I'm in love with my wife passionately. I desire her and I desire to be around her. I love her spirit. I love her mind. I love her physically. So lets define the characteristics of love as described in the Word.

1 Cor 13:4-7
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

"Love is patient." Boy that can get taxing! There are times when we lose patience but does that mean we don't love anymore? Do we need to ask for forgiveness when we lose patience with people? Absolutely! Things can happen that just get you fired up but retaliatory actions serve no one and they also destroy love. People mature at different rates. Our attitude and actions is what we must be concerned with, not theirs.

"Love is kind". Does that mean we never say a cross word? Does that mean we wait on our spouses or kids hand and foot? Of course not! Loving with kindness is granting the benefit of a doubt. Kindness is seeing dismay in a terse word sent our way. Love heals not cuts down. So you got hurt, address that issue with honor and prayer because that benefit of a doubt used wisely may calm that other person so they are able to love back and not attack. Sometimes people are mean but our being unkind back serves absolutely no purpose but to perpetuate that unkindness. Are we footstools? No way man but defensive walls need to be temporary and movable.

" Love does not envy". Look, other people get more and others get less. You see that couple or that parent in what seems like the perfect relationship. Wake up man! That is not at all the truth! Sure they may have it together in areas you don't but that goes both ways. Look upon that relationship you think is great with an attitude of learning, not envying.

"Love does not boast, is not proud". Me,me,me. "Looky what I do for you" . Don't count the things done. Don't be so self protective that you don't let others in. Don't brag on your love deeds, just do them because you love.

"Love is not rude, or self seeking, or easily angered or remembers wrongs".  Treat people the way you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you. Love is not for self gain. You don't love for what you can get, you get because you love. Are you ticked at the drop of a hat? You need work there man! You need to pray and humble yourself before God and that person who is the butt of your anger. Do not retain infractions! Good lord man, we all goof up and we all fail from time to time so don't throw it up in the face of the person who dissed you every time they tick you off! What purpose does that serve?

The last part those verses tells what love does do; it does not delight in evil, it always trusts, it always hopes, it always perseveres. True loving attitude does not wish anything befall others. Calamity happens on its own and wishing it on others is a futile exercise that only reaps more malice and what good is that? True love always hopes for what is best for others and rejoices at their success, not mutter and sputter at them. True love stays the course and realizes when they are hurting or are feeling down that an upswing is inevitable therefore they continue to love because love is way way stronger than the alternative.

Remember these things and when problems or situations crop up you will be better equipped to with stand the storm...and there will be storms...

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your love and your teachings on it. Open our hearts without reservation so we can truly love as we should. Soften our hearts so we see into events and things that hit us to the root. We ask for forgiveness and strength to stand honorably in you ways. Bless the bodies and minds of  us! Thank you in Jesus name, amen

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