11 July 2022

    Good morning! How are we faithing? When I was a younger man and even a child as it were, I used to love to walk or ride my bike down dirt roads and the ones with grass growing in the middle were the best! The tranquility of those summer days gazing at the wildlife, the old rock walls, the hedges lining the old road, were especially peaceful to me. I pondered why this road ceased to be used. I also wondered what it was like to travel this path long long ago. At a very young age I was aware of the past lives that traversed the same paths that my friends and I traversed. If I see these paths today I still wax nostalgic to a simpler time where the biggest worry was a flat on my bike in the middle of nowhere. God spoke to me in many ways back then. A bird on a branch who didn't appear afraid of me and I imagined he was pondering me as much as I was pondering him. Stopping to look closely at how the underbrush grew and picturing a kid like me walking this same path wondering the same things I did only a hundred or more years before me. God is kind of like that. The Word says he is the same today, tomorrow and yesterday and with that I can be assured that I am not the first or the last to hold such ponderings. It is amazing that God chooses to reveal things specific to each of us. I am in awe of my Pastor when he preaches. How Jesus has filled his being and opened his soul to that grace and wisdom. As a former teacher I also recognize that look when young folk talk to me and I realize Jesus is at work right here in this old man. How about you? Do you struggle with inadequate feelings? Do you stumble and think you missed the boat somewhere and God is sliding you aside for bigger or greater people? Well my friends, that ain't true. You are just as important as Charles Stanley or Billy Graham or the clerk at Wall Mart. We all have a place in his kingdom and we all have our ministry to the lost. We already have a Billy Graham so it is wise to seek out God's plan for you. It may surprise you how important we all really are to him. He loves us all an equal amount. It's like my kids, I love them the same amount but each one holds a different place in my heart because they are different souls. How much more can the God who created the molecules that created you love you? Don't let the enemy tell you any different.

Hebrews 3:4-11
For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God. Now Moses was faithful in all His house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken later; but Christ was faithful as a Son over His house whose house we are, if we hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end. Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says,
"Today if you hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts as when they provoked Me,
As in the day of trial in the wilderness,
Where your fathers tried Me by testing Me,
And saw My works for forty years.
"Therefore I was angry with this generation,
And said, 'They always go astray in their heart;
And they did not know My ways';
As I swore in My wrath,
'They shall not enter My rest.' "

Heavenly Father,
  Lord we lift any concerns people have and the ones the readers of this daily have. Help us live upright and help us not waiver in our faith. Show each of us where our lot in this life is. Help us look around at your creation in awe. Help us be who we are to be.  Lord, soften hearts and open minds to YOUR truth. Don't let us be fooled by things other than you. In Jesus name we pray, amen

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