04 November 2022

 Good morning! Cool and crisp like a fall day should be! Our faithing and our adherence to the teachings of God in his Word is of utmost importance. We know from the Word that believers in the Messiah Jesus that we are not judged for salvation by our adherence but we are expected to obey the commandments of Jesus. I read something interesting this morning that exposes some lines of thinking and some actions as not in line with Godly teaching. Check this out;

1 Cor 4:18-21
Some of you have become arrogant, as if I were not coming to you. But I will come to you very soon, if the Lord is willing, and then I will find out not only how these arrogant people are talking, but what power they have. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a whip, or in love and with a gentle spirit?

Look at that. People had become arrogant in their practices and when you research the Greek words written you discover that some of the people were becoming self complacent and actually got puffed up at their holiness. Arrogance by its nature is boasting and haughtiness because it fears no judgement or correction. That leads to "look at me" or "do as I do because I am Holier than you". Boy is that a dangerous place to be! We've talked before on this and our being good or holy isn't a means for judging others or heaping condemnation on others but it's a reflection of Jesus. When we get arrogant and start pointing fingers or weighing down others with our expectations of religious views we become arrogant and step out of his marvelous light and into the shadows of form rather than function. Paul ends those verses with a question about coming with a whip or a rod preaching Jesus or with love and a gentle spirit which when you think about it is self answering to the latter rather than the former. Cramming righteousness down someones throat vs showing the compassion and love of Jesus is a no brainer. The power of the Word of God isn't in lording it over people but in that mentioned love that Jesus showed, taught and lived by. So what do we learn from those verses? Check yourself man! Be holy for holiness' sake and not to show off or compare yourself as better to anyone else. The power is in Jesus, not you or me. Without Jesus, we are lost and therefore not any better than all the rest of the lost people so show the power and love of Jesus so they can be redeemed exactly as much as we are.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your grace and love. Thank you for saving us. Lord, help us be aware and in tune to the needs of others. Help us be mindful of your love and to share it with others and not lord it over them. Help us be the ambassadors for you that we should be. We ask for your continuing touch on our lives, in Jesus name, amen

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