08 June 2023

    Good morning! How are we faithing? I want to encourage you today because sometimes things happen in our lives and doubt can creep in. After Jesus beat death and met with the disciples, some still doubted.

 Mat 28:16-17  And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had appointed them.  And when they saw Him, they worshiped Him. But some doubted. 

Let me get this straight, those eleven,(Judas was gone at this point), saw the miracles, saw him beaten, whipped. crucified, put in the tomb and now here he is speaking to them? And they had doubts? I think it wouldn't be unusual for us to doubt from time to time. With that being said, what are our doubts really? Are they real doubts about our savior or doubts about our current circumstances? The more we rely on our savior the less doubt creeps in. I have found that with the Word being studied as often as possible and observing the world around us, there is no doubt that Jesus is Lord and he is coming back sooner than later..

Heavenly Father, Thank you for redeeming us. Thank you for revealing your Word to us. Help us in times of doubt and bring your Word to our minds so we are without a doubt. In Jesus name, amen

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