05 December 2022

    Good morning! How are we faithing? Back biting, manipulation for gain, criticizing with what one thinks is righteous indignation are all dangerous modes of operation. Am I helping or hindering?  Is this talk behind ones back or telling what they want to hear for me or them? I think the latter. How can our picking apart deeds another has done help anyone?  Sure some things need our attention but how do we face them? We've all been around people who never have anything good to say about anyone and those people who brag about what they've done and more often than not those two things go hand and hand. Like we've talked before, pride is the root of these types of actions. One who has to pick apart another to make themselves look good is not real secure in where or who they are. The Word shows us to face things honestly and straight on all the while being wise as a fox and gentle as a dove.  We that are secure in our place with our savior have to be conscience of those we have mentioned and deal on God's level and not on the opposite.  What this means is to remember that we must treat situations, people and things the way we would like to be treated if the tables were turned. Ever met that guy who will yell and badger you but you had better not even raise your voice at them? Don't be that guy. Be who God made when you were born again regardless of what comes your way. Jesus always treated people with dignity, grace and wisdom. He is our example. Read Luke 16 for some real insight on this.

Heavenly Father,
  Thank you for lessons in your Word that reveal your nature. Help us treat people with wisdom and grace regardless of how we "feel".  Help us see through all the muck and mire to the root of what we see so we can act holy and appropriately. Bless those who are struggling in grief and need.  Bless those who seek your face and show up then show off so they know they have a father who loves them.  Help us control our tongue. In Jesus name, amen

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