05 May 2023

        Good morning! How are we faithing? I hear fellow Christians talking badly about other Christians even to leaders of faith. This ought not be. Even David refused to do anything to a professed man of God who was trying to kill him. We will have differences with people regardless of their status or position but talking badly about kindred people will lead to bad things. The Lord told us to not do this to our own detriment. This is Paul speaking;

1Ti 1:15  Faithful is the Word and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. 

Paul is admitting to being a sinner and in need of salvation so who are we to slam anyone else? Aren't we sinners too? Are we not saved by by grace? How dare we point fingers at men and women of God! Of course we must be aware of, like we talked about earlier this week, wolves in sheep's clothing but how do we know if a person is struggling or a wolf? Of course by their fruit but do we have the right to talk badly or tear them apart? I think not. God is the judge, we hate the sin and not the sinner.

Tit 3:8  Faithful is the Word, and as to these things, I desire that you strongly affirm that those believing God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. 

2Co 2:14  Now thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ, and He revealing through us the odor of the knowledge of Him in every place. 

Heavenly Father, Forgive us and help us bridle our tongues. Lord we do not want to speak ill of your servants even if we see fault. Help us lift them up rather than tear them dow. We love you Lord and want to be pleasing to you. In Jesus name, amen

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