26 May 2023

    Good morning! How are you faithing? Missed yesterday, computer woes. The great deception talked about in Revelation that causes the mass falling away from Jesus has been a pondering point since it was written. What could it be? How could many loose their faith? An alien invasion in UFO's claiming to be God? A man that fixes or seems to fix everything? One could opine endlessly about the subject but let me put something out for you to chew on. What if we became vulnerable because of this;

Jer 10:2  So says Jehovah, Do not learn the way of the nations, and do not be terrified at the signs of the heavens; for the nations are terrified at them. 

Lev 20:23  And you shall not walk in the ways of the nation which I cast out before you. For they committed all these things, and therefore I loathed them. 

Lev 20:22-23  You shall therefore keep all My statutes and all My judgments, and do them, so that the land where I bring you to live shall not spit you out. And you shall not walk in the ways of the nation which I cast out before you. For they committed all these things, and therefore I loathed them. 

There are more scriptures like this and it made me think that perhaps we can get wrapped up in the things of our culture and be deceived because we didn't keep our focus on God. What do you think?

Heavenly Father, Thank you for salvation. Open our eyes to your truth and reveal where we may be stumbling. We want to stand for you and not be deceived. We want to be with you in all battles and ask for that courage like the apostles had. In Jesus name, amen

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