24 May 2023

       Good morning! How are we faithing? Have you ever thought about how well off we are in this country? Do you look at opulence and wish or wonder what it would be like? Have you looked at the people in third world countries and tried to imagine living with what little they have? I think it is a good exercise to look at those places and try to imagine living without all you have now. Does it depress you? It shouldn't. I love my a/c, my truck, my roof over my head, my job, my dogs etc. but all of this can be gone in a second by catastrophe or many other ways but guess what? It's gone when you die, just like every one on earth. What are you building your life on? Riches or Jesus? Oh it's not wrong to succeed but how do you view your success? Does it define you or is it just stuff? 

 1Co 3:12-13  And if anyone builds on this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble,  each one's work shall be revealed. For the Day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try each one's work as to what kind it is. 

What work do you do and is it for stuff you will lose eventually or are you working for God? All the stuff we build up around us is for our comfort but if it is fleeting, how hard do try to hold onto it and is that wise? 

1Co 3:14-15  If anyone's work which he built remains, he shall receive a reward.  If anyone's work shall be burned up, he shall suffer loss. But he shall be saved, yet so as by fire. 

What is this referring to? Gods work. Our success in God's work can follow us to the here after but the stuff here on earth will become nothing. Our name in the Lambs book of Life is all that matters and helping every human being come to the saving grace of God and getting there name written in that book is paramount. We must be kind, loving, be ready to share this wonderful life changing salvation at every second. 

Heavenly Father, Thank you for salvation. Forgive us when we miss an opportunity to share you because it's out of our comfort zone. Lord, open our eyes to see you everywhere. In Jesus name, amen

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