22 May 2023

       Good morning! How are we faithing? With all things going on in the world we have a salvation that transcends all worldly logic. We enjoy a grace from the creator that is so huge it is beyond words to express how much appreciation we have for that grace. It also is amazing when we get into the Word  and study and seek the Lords face. There tons of things we could talk about. There have been so many books written about the Word and sermons that can't be counted. I believe we are in the last days and there are so many prophetic scriptures about these times I do advise you search them out because this forum is not big enough to go in depth. This is to encourage, provoke thought and hopefully motivate you to seek further. Here is one;

Joe 2:28  And it shall be afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; your old men shall dream dreams; your young men shall see visions. 

Think about that! Have you had dreams you knew were real came from God? Have you seen visions? Yes to both for me so seek his face today. Ask he reveal his Word so you can testify of his great grace and love for us!

Heavenly Father, Thank you for a grace so big we can't express in words what it means to us. We lift our hearts and minds to you to show us where ought to be serving you. Protect our children, open the eyes of our leaders, lead us to righteousness. In Jesus name we pray, amen

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