27 June 2023

        Good morning! How are we faithing? Learning is an interesting process. Who we learn from , what we learn from whom and what we believe can determine if we accept the things we learn. Most times we will not accept words from a man who isn't an "expert". Many people graduate college, get a job but have no life experience therefore their expertise is questionable. All that to say simply, we probably ought not take plumbing advice from a dentist. It's interesting that the people listening to Jesus were doubting what he said because he was from Galilee. That made me think of the way some people in this country think of eastern Kentucky people. They are all hillbillies, Hatfield - McCoy types. When we read the Word of God we can completely accept it but if a man who is shoveling scripture twisted for his own gain speaks, we must decline their words. Doctrine matters.

Joh 7:40-43  Then when they heard the Word, many of the people said, Truly this is the Prophet.  Others said, This is the Christ. But others said, Does the Christ come out of Galilee?  Has the Scripture not said that Christ comes from the seed of David and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?  So a division occurred in the crowd because of Him.

Heavenly Father, Help us seek truth and be gracious to others who may try to help but are not. Help us speak only what we know is true but in love and not berating. Lord we want to be the light in this dark world. We want to see you in everything. In Jesus name, amen

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