06 July 2023

        Good morning? How are we faithing? Paying attention to the signs of the times is important because we must be about God's business no matter what we see. Right now there are wars all over the globe. Israel has been under attack constantly ever since I can remember but it is really ratcheting up. The 67 war, the 73 war, the 82 war, intifada wars, the Gaza war but right today things are constant and the Bible told us these things would happen. Psalm 83 talks about a war of surrounding nations wanting the the riches of Israel. The media spins Israel as the bad guy all the time. While there are failings on both sides the constant is Israel is always the one being attacked and always the one blamed. I don't always agree with Israelis politics but one must see the prophetic happenings. As has been said before, nothing new under the sun, we have to see what's happening;

Zec 12:2-3  Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all the peoples all around, and it shall also be against Judah in the siege against Jerusalem. And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all peoples. All who lift it shall be slashed, and all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.

Wake up people, our redemption draws nigh...

Heavenly Father, We pray for Israel and all the people that they come to the saving knowledge of Messiah. We lift those all around that attack Israel and Jerusalem that they have their eyes open to your truth. Your grace is all that is needed and we pray the blinders come off all our world leaders. We ask that our leaders in America remember to stand for Israel and for Jesus' truth and it is in that name we pray, amen


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