Good morning! How are we faithing? Our own gifts, talents, abilities all come from God. You may be the smartest human on planet earth but you can't brag on natural ability. You can't say you are the one who endowed your self with a great thinking mind. Oh you got educated. You honed whatever skill you have. I know people that no matter how much they are shown, they can't fix wiring in a house but make a guitar sing. I watch those professional drag racers hone their skills but some can't cut a light or shift a stick. The point is our abilities are a gift from God. How we choose to use those gifts is on us. Some have a money mind and use it for good and some for ill gotten gain. Who do you praise with your ability? Yourself? God? Others around you? It can be a dangerous slope to go down when one starts getting uppity about how good they are at something. We can be pleased heck man, we can even accept accolades but we must be ever conscience where our gifts and abilities come from.
1Co 4:4
For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.
This all so we can be thankful and humble. I know what I am good at and what I am not. I praise God for both. How about you? Read 1 corinthians 12 today and see truth.
remember Eddy...remember Kat...remember Linda...remember Gordon Scott and family...
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your gifts. Thank you for the talents you gave us. We lift those up with disabilities today. Sow us the abilities when we meet them. Lord we lift those suffering today that they get vision from you as to the bigger picture and not just the pain. Lord, we thank you for everything we have and ask we use wisdom in using them. In Jesus name, amen
1Co 4:4
For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.
This all so we can be thankful and humble. I know what I am good at and what I am not. I praise God for both. How about you? Read 1 corinthians 12 today and see truth.
remember Eddy...remember Kat...remember Linda...remember Gordon Scott and family...
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your gifts. Thank you for the talents you gave us. We lift those up with disabilities today. Sow us the abilities when we meet them. Lord we lift those suffering today that they get vision from you as to the bigger picture and not just the pain. Lord, we thank you for everything we have and ask we use wisdom in using them. In Jesus name, amen
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